First, we created a database called [Audit] on our development server.
Next, we created a table to store the logs.
USE AuditGOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[DDL_Audit]([DDL_Audit_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,[Event_Type] [varchar](100) NULL,[Database_Name] [varchar](100) NULL,[SchemaName] [varchar](100) NULL,[ObjectName] [varchar](100) NULL,[ObjectType] [varchar](100) NULL,[EventDate] [datetime] NULL,[SystemUser] [varchar](100) NULL,[CurrentUser] [varchar](100) NULL,[OriginalUser] [varchar](100) NULL,[EventDataText] [varchar](max) NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOGRANT INSERT ON DDL_Audit TO publicGO
Note in this example, I granted INSERT permissions to public to avoid needing to give our team any other access to that database. I didn’t want them to read/write rows in that table if I could avoid it. After that, I ran a script in SSMS using Text output to step through all of our databases and generate the trigger create code.
sp_msforeachdb 'SELECT ''use ?GOSET ANSI_PADDING ONGOCREATE TRIGGER trg_DDL_Monitor_ChangeSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOON DATABASEFOR DDL_DATABASE_LEVEL_EVENTSASSET NOCOUNT ONSET ANSI_PADDING ONdeclare @EventType varchar(100)declare @SchemaName varchar(100)declare @DatabaseName varchar(100)declare @ObjectName varchar(100)declare @ObjectType varchar(100)DECLARE @EventDataText VARCHAR(MAX)SELECT@EventType = EVENTDATA().value(''''(/EVENT_INSTANCE/EventType)[1]'''',''''nvarchar(max)''''),@DatabaseName = EVENTDATA().value(''''(/EVENT_INSTANCE/DatabaseName)[1]'''',''''nvarchar(max)''''),@SchemaName = EVENTDATA().value(''''(/EVENT_INSTANCE/SchemaName)[1]'''',''''nvarchar(max)''''),@ObjectName = EVENTDATA().value(''''(/EVENT_INSTANCE/ObjectName)[1]'''',''''nvarchar(max)''''),@ObjectType = EVENTDATA().value(''''(/EVENT_INSTANCE/ObjectType)[1]'''',''''nvarchar(max)''''),@EventDataText = EVENTDATA().value(''''(/EVENT_INSTANCE/TSQLCommand/CommandText)[1]'''',''''nvarchar(max)'''')insert into Audit.dbo.DDL_Audit (Event_Type, Database_Name, SchemaName, ObjectName, ObjectType, EventDate, SystemUser, CurrentUser, OriginalUser, EventDataText)select @EventType, @DatabaseName, @SchemaName, @ObjectName, @ObjectType, getdate(), SUSER_SNAME(), CURRENT_USER, ORIGINAL_LOGIN(), @EventDataTextGO'''
We took the results of that script and removed any databases that did not matter for purposes of tracking changes. We ran that and created the appropriate triggers on all of the databases. That left us with the notification messages. We handled this through a SQL Server Agent job using Database Mail.
IF EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM Audit.dbo.DDL_AuditWHERE Event_Type NOT LIKE '%statist%'AND SystemUser NOT IN (service account list here)AND EventDate >= convert(varchar(10),DATEADD(dd, -1, GETDATE()),101))BEGINDECLARE @email_from nvarchar(100), @email_address nvarchar(200), @TheSubject nvarchar(255)SELECT @Email_Address = ''SET @email_from = ''select @email_address as 'To:' , @email_from as 'From:'set @TheSubject = 'Recent Schema changes on ' + RTRIM(@@SERVERNAME)DECLARE @tableHTML NVARCHAR(MAX) ;SET @tableHTML =N'<H1>DevDB Schema Change</H1>' +
N'<table border="1">' +
N'<tr><th>Database_Name</th><th>SchemaName</th>' +
N'<th>ObjectName</th><th>Event_Type</th><th>ObjectType</th>' +
N'<th>EventDate</th><th>SystemUser</th><th>CurrentUser</th><th>OriginalUser</th><th>EventDataText</th></tr>' +
CAST ( ( SELECT td = Database_Name, '',td = SchemaName, '',td = ObjectName, '',td = Event_Type, '',td = ObjectType, '',td = EventDate, '',td = SystemUser, '',td = CurrentUser, '',td = OriginalUser, '',td = EventDataTextFROM Audit.dbo.DDL_AuditWHERE Event_Type NOT LIKE '%statist%'AND SystemUser NOT IN (serviceaccount)AND EventDataText not like '%ALTER%INDEX%REBUILD%'AND EventDate >= convert(varchar(10),DATEADD(dd, -1, GETDATE()),101)ORDER BY Database_Name, ObjectType, ObjectName, EventDate, Event_TypeFOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE) AS NVARCHAR(MAX) ) +N'</table>' ;
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail@profile_name = 'Default' ,
@recipients=@email_address,@subject = @TheSubject,@body = @tableHTML,@body_format = 'HTML' ;
We scheduled this code in a job step that runs daily at 10am. Any changes in that time frame were then sent to a team of people on a daily basis. If no changes were made, no email was sent. Hopefully this will give someone some ideas on one way to audit changes to their DBs. I make no claims that this is the best way, but it worked well for us.
You can download the script file containing all of this code using the link below.